51 Puppy Tricks: Step-by-Step Activities to Engage, Challenge, and Bond With Your Puppy

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Kyra Sundance
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Quarry Books

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51 Puppy Tricks gives puppy owners the tools they need to teach behaviors and tricks to their puppy through step-by-step instructions and photographs. Photos of every step of the training process show you exactly what to do and take the guesswork out of teaching. Troubleshooting ideas and tips provide solutions to common real-world challenges. Most other puppy training books focus on curbing bad behavior. Some have training, but only the most basic tricks. Kyra's curriculum differs from that of 101 Dog Tricks in that the instructions are geared for the less mature dog. Young puppies are not yet well-tuned to humans, and respond better to a clicker than to a voice. Also, young puppies have so few skills that everyone benefits from a technique called "shaping" which breaks a behavior into minute steps for easier learning. And, of course, puppies receive extra gentle care when we teach, focused more on instilling a love of learning and a communication pathway rather than accomplishing the goal behavior. 

"Wow! Kyra Sundance has written yet another brilliant book! 51 Puppy Tricks takes you through the simple steps - using positive reinforcement methods - to teach your puppy quickly and easily. These fun methods not only develop a closer bond between you and your puppy, but they will instill in your dog a lifelong love of learning. You rock, Kyra! --Dr. Ian Dunbar, Founder, Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT)