Bringing Light To Shadow - A Dog Trainer's Diary

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Pamela Dennison
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Dogwise Publishing
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Can this dog be saved?
A fearful, human-aggressive dog.
A trainer who wouldn't give up.
Positive, no-force training methods.
Will this be enough to save Shadow from death row?

The gods that protect fools, optimists, and little children must have known what they were doing when they brought together THIS dog and THIS owner. Shadow was a handsome, fearful, aggressive, one-year-old, second-hand Border Collie. He lashed out at people without warning and avoided human touch. Pam Dennison was a professional dog trainer with 12 years experience and a half dozen successful dog adoptions behind her when she met Shadow. When Pam found Shadow at a Border Collie rescue site on the Internet she was just looking to round out her canine family. Like a date she decided to meet Shadow just to see and, because she couldn't think of any reason not to take him home, he became hers. He also became her problem!
Follow their 18-month journey from the early, dark days of fear and frustration to the daylight of confidence and trust. Learn how difficult it is, even for a professional dog trainer, to handle a dog with a past and a temper too.

Did she regret her decision to adopt Shadow? Yes. Sometimes.
Did she make mistakes along the way? Of course.
Did she resort to punishment? Never once.

Reviews from other canine professionals
Outstanding stuff! Very impressive! I have yet to run into someone with your determination and commitment. It's great to see an animal this far in the hole is now climbing Everest.
Ted Turner, Animal Behaviorist, former director of training at Sea World

Pam reveals what to do and (occasionally) what not to do when working with an aggressive dog.
Ali Brown, Author of Scaredy Dog

I was terrified of Shadow when I first met him. No one had faith that he could be rehabilitated except Pam.
Jane Killion, "Dog Bait" during Shadow's retraining process

Author Pamela S. Dennison is the author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Positive Dog Training and her new book, How to Right a Dog Gone Wrong is in the works. A member of the APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers), NADOI (National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors), and DWAA (Dog Writers Association of America), Pam competes in several dog sports, teaches a wide range of basic and advanced dog training classes at her training facility in Blairstown, NJ and makes her home with a trio of dogs, including Shadow.

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What reviewers are saying...

Dennison's Bringing Light To Shadow: A Dog Trainer's Diary provides the diary of a dog trainer who turned an aggressive rescue dog into a good pet. Shadow lashed out at people without warning and was dangerous; Dennison was a pro dog trainer who faced a real challenge with her new Internet acquisition. Her mistakes and successes come to life in a diary which tells of a successful achievement. James A. Cox