Empower your dog to gain confidence and social skills
With BAT 2.0, trainer/author Grisha Stewart has completely overhauled Behavior Adjustment Training (BAT) to create a new efficient and practical tool for dog reactivity. BAT 2.0 builds resilience and self-reliance by giving dogs safe opportunities to learn about people, dogs, or other triggers. Clear enough for all readers to follow, this book also includes technical tips and bonus chapters just for dog behavior professionals.
Learn how to:
Rehabilitate aggression, frustration, and fear.
Use survival skills to prevent reactivity on walks and at home.
Use a long line to safely maximize your dog's freedom of movement.
Apply Grisha's BAT philosophy to all dogs and puppies...and get your life back!
What experts are saying about Behavior Adjustment Training
BAT 2.0 is a must-read for anyone who has or works with reactive dogs. For years, dogs all over the world have benefited from the successful philosophies and empowering techniques in BAT, but Grisha Stewart has taken it to the next level. A clear appreciation for the canine experience and easy to follow, practical techniques is what makes BAT 2.0 so beneficial for dogs that experience frustration, anxiety, or fear in any social situation. Stewart gives control back to the dog allowing a delicate balance of freedom, the ability to make choices and safety. I highly recommend BAT 2.0 to anyone who is struggling with a reactive dog or who wants to gain a better understanding of their canine companion.
Victoria Stilwell, author, Train Your Dog Positively
When I ask behavior professionals, What are your eyes for? they enthusiastically reply, To see! But when I ask, What is your behavior for? conference rooms fall silent. In BAT 2.0, Grisha Stewart provides the essential answer to this all-important question: Behavior is to have an effect, that is, to be effective. By safely allowing dogs more control over their own outcomes, especially in challenging conditions where fearful, frustrated, and aggressive behavior is most likely, caregivers will be more successful shaping independent, competent, confident companions.
Susan G. Friedman, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus Utah State University, www.behaviorworks.org
BAT 2.0 is unique a living document detailing the evolution of a very effective intervention from the experience of many practitioners. I loved the practicality of this book, as well as Grisha Stewart's dedication to giving dogs a voice in their own development! This is must-reading for those working with dog reactivity in its many forms.
Risë VanFleet, Ph.D., CDBC, author, The Human Half of Dog Training
As a clicker trainer I highly value creativity. I love it every time a trainer uses the laws of learning in new and creative ways that results in better ways of dog training. What Grisha has done with BAT 2.0 is just that. The method combines operant and classical conditioning with a deep knowledge of the dog´s natural language and behavior. And even though BAT is grounded in hard science, Grisha has a way of explaining things so clear and simple that everybody can understand it and do it.
Morten Egtvedt, Director, Canis Clicker Training Academy
I love the pedagogical approach of BAT 2.0 and the focus on how to install a feeling of control in a dog's life, all in all a fundamental recipe if you want your dog to feel safe and happy. It also adds an ability for dogs to predict events, which further strengthens its self-worth and being in control in relevant life situations.
Anders Hallgren, author, Stress, Anxiety, and Aggression in Dogs
BAT 2.0 shows that Grisha is continually evaluating and adjusting her behavior modification recipes. She has made great steps forward in her quest to help the emotional well-being of dogs.
Terry Ryan, author, Coaching People to Train Their Dogs
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Excellent book
BAT 2.0 is thorough and extensive, giving the reader the practical tools to help dogs as well as much of the theory behind these tools. The illustrations are helpful and the layout easy to follow. The structure of the book allows the reader to choose whether to focus "only" on the BAT techniques, or to also read the more theoretical appendices and perhaps follow the citations for even more information. The book is written for both dog owners and professional dog trainers, and quite successfully so I believe. I find the scattered "tip for pros" very useful, as well as the separate sections. On the slightly less positive side, there is a lot to get through before you get to the actual BAT techniques. But the book is structured in the same way BAT training is: you can't be impatient, and if you relax into what's going on here and now you start to see the magic. I would recommend this book to everybody, even if your dogs have no issues with anything they could still benefit from you learning about the basic BAT techniques.