Emotions, Intelligence and The Behavior Of Dogs - Streaming Video on Demand

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Raymond Coppinger
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8 hrs 44 min
Raymond Coppinger
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Professor Ray Coppinger was Professor of Biology at the School of Cognitive Science at Hampshire College in Massachusetts, USA until 2006. Ray Coppinger has studied and worked with dogs for decades all over the world. He is also a consultant to the famous Wolf Park, Indiana, USA. In this, his second major seminar in the UK, Ray brings together his life's work to explore the emotions, intelligence and development of the behavior of dogs and explores the genetic and experiential basis to learning in a scientific and practical light.


1. The Natural History of Canids
2. Behavioral Ecology & Evolution
3. Ethology
4. Motor Patterns and how they are measured
5. Cognition 1: Are dogs intelligent? Do dogs have a mind?
6. Cognition 2: What is play? Is it linked to intelligence?
7. Are Dogs Emotional?
8. Emergent Behavior: Bringing learning, development and behavior into context