Principles Of Lure Coursing Part 1
Principles Of Lure Coursing Part 2
Bonus Book: The Definitive Guide To Lure Coursing
USB (All Videos and Handouts)
(This course is designed for a single user.)
Are you taken with coursing sports and want to start putting on events? Or do you have experience but want to gain a more solid foundation for running your events? Principles of Lure Coursing is exactly what you need! Written and designed by Pat Bennett, author of The Definitive Guide To Lure Coursing, and professional lure operator for nearly 20 years, this is an extremely comprehensive training curriculum that covers all the nuts and bolts of running events as a professional lure operator and how to run them safely. A complimentary copy of The Definitive Guide will also be included with your other materials.
This course is designed for people like you who either want to start running lure coursing and FastCAT events for business or hobby, fun and/or profit, or who want to beef up their knowledge and expertise. It will teach you everything you need to know from how to run the dogs safely, what kind of equipment you need, how to use the equipment, all the ins-and-outs of running the events, the business side of these events, how to be profitable, and much, much more.
It can be utilized simply for training yourself and your crew to become more adept at running coursing events, or you can pursue the optional certification that comes with the course.
WHY TAKE THIS COURSE? Becoming certified as a Lure Event Operator sets you apart from 99.9% of the operators out there running dogs. Aside from graduates of this professional training curriculum, people who are lure operators or coursing event providers have never had any formal training at all, and have gained their experience and knowledge in a variety of ways and from multiple sources. This creates a lack of continuity and standardization across the industry and leaves dog owners at the mercy of untrained people who may or may not be able to create a safe experience for their dogs or put on well-organized events.
So, aside from training, what does this course give you? Learning all aspects of coursing event operations will provide you with an undeniable aura of competence and a high level of proficiency that few others possess. Should you pursue the optional designation as a Certified Professional Lure Event Operator, that also creates:
•Immediate credibility
•Mantle of authority and trust
•Provides qualifications in all aspects of coursing events
•Creates an aura of distinction, competence and integrity
•Recognition and respect as a professional
•Designates you as accomplished and experienced
•Validation in your profession
This is an intensive and comprehensive study course with nearly 500 printed pages in two books, plus quizzes, handouts and materials, videos, and a personalized Certification that will be emailed to you upon completion if you chose that option. Stand out in your field and learn from the very best! Order yours now!!
Course syllabus:
Part I
Chapter 1: Field Positions
Chapter 2: Preliminaries - Lure Coursing Basics
Creating a Safe Course and What Constitutes an Unsafe Course
Chapter 3: Running Dogs Safely and Keeping Them On The Lure
Chapter 4: All About FastCAT!
Chapter 5: Lure Coursing vs. FastCAT - A Comparison
Chapter 6: Equipment and Its Use
A. The Machines
B. Batteries, Chargers, Pulleys
C. String & Lure Tips
Chapter 7: Equipment Repairs & Maintenance MID-TERM EXAM
Part II
Chapter 8: Canine Physiology & Safety Evaluation
8-1A. Locomotion & Gait Analysis
8-1B. How Gait Applies to Coursing
8-1C. Age As A Factor
8-1D. Weight As a Factor
8-2. General Injuries and Those Specific To Coursing Sports
Chapter 9: Field First Aid
A. ABC’s and General Principles
B. Specific Conditions
C. First Aid Kit Essentials
Chapter 10: Field Work
A. Running The Dogs
B. Engaging the Dog and Reversing the Lure
Chapter 11: Course Setup & Layout
Chapter 12: The Business of Coursing
As a bonus and included with your Certification program, you’ll receive our highly popular, The Definitive Guide To Lure Coursing. The Guide is an ultimate resource for both coursing novices and veterans alike, and we’ve included it so you can use it as a concise field reference with your main curriculum volumes.
The Definitive Guide is a full color book that provides a detailed synopsis on lure coursing field events – why dogs run, how they run, choosing and using the right equipment, injuries that might occur, safety, and much more. All the concepts and information are applicable to all coursing equipment, and for both sighthound-only and all-breed events. It is the quintessential resource and a must-have for anyone interested in the sport of lure coursing.
Certificate Add-On:
1 for $15
2 for $30
3-4 for $50