Also available for purchase as a MP3 digital download - Click here
The intent of this CD is to provide a convenient tool to help desensitize your dog to noises that may bother him. There are several different tracks with slightly different versions of the featured sound, so your dog won't learn "it's just the CD." Instructions, which are on a separate track so they can be skipped, include how to work with the dog, information on choosing a good instructor or behaviorist, and warning of things that could go wrong.
4 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Fireworks CD
Last night was the fourth of July. It was crazy loud in our neighborhood with a lot of people firing off fireworks. Our horse came through it in good shape. In previous years he would run back and forth between his outside and inside stall and buck and rear and lather himself up. Last night he was watching outside and causally coming into the barn and then going back out. It was 89 degrees outside and in the barn when we put him up for the night (10pm) and he hadn’t broken a sweat. The fireworks continues for another hour or so and he didn’t mess up his stall like he used to do before we used the CD to desensitize him to fireworks. This CD works! It’s great! We’re going to continue to use it occasionally until December, and then ramp up the frequency of use and volume again until New Years. My wife and I dreaded these two nights in the past. We either had to get sedatives from the vet or just watch our horses go crazy. Now with the CD, we have a much better option. Thanks so much! As I said, my wife grooms him when she plays the CD which keeps him from acting out - most horses like to be groomed. So this CD can be used for horses as well as dogs!
Fireworks CD
We bought this to help accustom our horse to fireworks. He was petrified of the noise and would buck and run in the pasture and break out in a sweat and prance in his stall. My wife followed the instructions with 3 weeks before the fourth of Kuly and played it while she was grooming the horse. As it’s reLly hot here now we had the big fan on too. Over three weeks she got up to the highest level and was playing on high volume. The first night was pretty slow and no reaction. Last night was pretty intense and the big boomers bothered him a little but no sweating or nervous pacing around his stall. Tonight is the 4th, so we’ll see what happens. Regardless, this product is a life saver. We had to drug the horse last year, and this year just the CD. Thanks so much. It works on horses too. Try grooming the animal when you start the therapy
I couldn't find this anywhere. It's awesome. Thank you so much
Fireworks cd
It serves the purpose for my needs. Different kinds of fireworks noises.