Book: The Dial Method
This is NOT your average dog training book.
Busy families are in desperate need of something COMPLETELY different.
Raising kids is hard enough, but adding a dog into the mix is totally NEXT level! Until now, there’s never been an easy way to distill everything families need into a format that fits their minds and lifestyles.
THE DIAL METHOD™ is a simple system to live by. It’s fast and fun to read, clear and simple to follow, and will leave you wondering how the heck NO ONE has EVER told you this game-changing stuff before!
There's finally an easy way for parents to tap into what they already know, using skills they already have - not just to cope, but LOVE living with their dog.
Workbook: The Dial Method THE DIAL METHOD™ companion workbook is the fun way to help families take EVERYTHING they've learned in THE DIAL METHOD™and bring it all to life.
Raising your dog alongside your kids doesn’t have to be hours of repetitive training exercises... This is a whole new way!
Now you can make living with your dog fun, simple, and really intuitive. Grab your kids, tap into your inner child, and have some serious FUN while you learn. And there’s lots of space for ‘doodle’-ing!
Meet Justine: a dog-loving mum of two teens. In a past life, Justine was a TV producer/director for Nickelodeon, VH1 and MTV. But in 2001, she traded it all in for a pair of grubby jeans and pockets full of dog treats. Her journey took a turn when she realized that training dogs with kids around was a whole new ballgame. Parents needed a different kind of help, and Justine was determine to provide it. The Family Dog was born with a mission to help families live happily and safely with their dogs while having loads of fun. She believes training should be enjoyment for everyone involved - parents, kids and dog. Her methods are all about simplicity, positivity, and effectiveness and are shared worldwide. With over 20 years of dog training experience and a Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA), Justine is deeply connected in the industry, and constantly striving to share the most relevant education with families. In 2015, she launched STOP THE 77, a dog safety campaign for families, aiming to lower the number of dog bites to children. In her world, it's all about helping families truly see their dogs, and living together safely, happily and harmoniously.